i am janet. hear me roar.

hallo? anyone hear me? welcome to the thoughts of dorkyjanet. u'll realize how un-dorky she really is =)

Sunday, May 02, 2004

happy International Worker's Day!aka the real Labor day. yesterday was a very important date in history, unfortunately our country has done a damn good job of trying to erase it. the chinatown collective had our workshop yesterday, and we taught our students (from watts and chinatown) about rallies and marches, and the importance of them. then, we took them out to be a part of the real thing. all 30 of them or so marched for justice, and they were so excited leading chants and being together. =) our students also got a lot of attention precisely because they were students. =) yay! gotta politicize em' early...

in the evening we attended the Labor/Community Strategy Center banquet. lotsa good folks there doing awesome work. inspiring and motivating. good to know there are real people out there doing real work for the people. at the end of the banquet, we listened and danced to Quetzal, a conscious musical group who kicks ass. good stuff... however. this is the second banquet this month that benji and i showed up way too underdressed for! the first was for AATP (asian american tutorial project), which i guess wasn't too bad. he was there to be recognized and i was his guest. and this was the second one, but at least we were with a crowd that doesn't care too much about how u look/dress. still.. ya know. oh well =) i'll juse make sure i dress up rather than down for any upcoming banquets.

this morning we played soccer for 3+ hours with all the organizing folks. oh dear it was so hot that a number of times i really thought i was close to passing out. even when i was out there burning up and sweating, i began to get chills. not a good sign. i'm sure i got darker. i don't feel so good from all that heat... but it was a good game!!


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