i am janet. hear me roar.

hallo? anyone hear me? welcome to the thoughts of dorkyjanet. u'll realize how un-dorky she really is =)

Saturday, August 12, 2006


i missed the bus this morning for the school trip to the beach... janet very sad. and as i walked to school just now i saw someone taking a sh** on the street. i believe the person was homeless. now i don't know what to do with myself today. maybe i'll actually have to travel somewhere on my own! O_O heaven forbid.

yesterday's graduation was wonderful and a great bundle of fun. =) i was nervous on my speech but it went well. ok, time to get my but out there and explore solo. *deep breath* i´m kind of feeling lonely. =/ on a good note, i've been good about getting people to walk me home and taking the taxi at nites.

oh yes, the dog story. well the nite after that a strange man lingering around the corner of my street followed me and tried to talk to me, then left as i passed a group of people standing outside a store. i wonder if those weird nites had anything to do with it being a full moon. or maybe just not being smart on my part and walking alone late...

of all the conferences i attended while here, the worst one was the day before yesterday. it was on educaton in guatemala. the speaker was... well. it just was not well presented, and worse yet, the ideas presented just didn't stand up to the standards. more on it later. on friday, we were supposed to go on a field trip to a place called san francisco, but there was a nation-wide strike and all major highways/interchanges were blockaded. a bunch of us wanted to go anyway and see, so we did. the bus stopped at the first of many blockades (objects and humans), and we had to walk for a while to make it to the gathering where union folks were speaking. they're protesting the privatization of education, electricy company, demanding better healthcare and sanitary/drinkable water. it was inspiring to be there! ok, time to go do something with myself this weekend...


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