i am janet. hear me roar.

hallo? anyone hear me? welcome to the thoughts of dorkyjanet. u'll realize how un-dorky she really is =)

Tuesday, February 26, 2002

can u figure out what's weird about THIS PICTURE?

Sunday, February 24, 2002

UCLA group interview down... *whew* in retrospect, and after having talked to my interviewer, i have a renewed confidence in myself. =) the interview went well, despite the fact that jason and i were 15 min. late =P i know i know... oh well. i was able to make up for it and prove myself. now that's it's over, just have to sit back and wait til end of march. =P that's the hardest part. in any case, i'm feeling pretty good.. thank u to everyone who continues to have faith in me and my aspirations for teaching... u guys are so awesome. thank u. =)

Thursday, February 21, 2002

WHY, MICHELLE?!?!??! why???
argghhhhh!!! =( =( =**( =****(
*sigh* it sucks how everything just boils down to one (2, rather) performance(s). michelle is still a champion in the eyes of many. and how respected she is in the world of figure skating.... =) root root for michelle! =) but yay for sarah, too! kick ass performance...she indeed deserved it. =) yay usa! see, i'm ok. freakin olympics. michelle is still the reigning World Champion! heck, 4 times at that. yeah. u go girl.

Wednesday, February 20, 2002

i passed the MSAT!!!! i passed it!!! yayyy!!! i didn't study and i passed it!!!! shhh.... not a good mentality. but yeah, i didn't do just average. i did pretty well above average. =) happy happy joy joy....!

and my weekend? could we have BEEN any luckier? jason and i drove up to tahoe on friday nite DURING LA TRAFFIC. =P so we cut across to the 395 instead of taking the freakin 5. my friends from riverside left later than us but were still significantly ahead. and my sd friends flew up, those cheater bastards. in any case, we got to our cabin by Donner Lake around 2 am. lemme tell ya, it was quite a cabin. =) the next morning we got up and boarded at northstar. it was alright, not wonderful, but fun nonetheless. we barely did any jumps that day, but jason gan got a lil bit of footage. we'll have to try that again, though. my poor roommate flew into nasty hard-packed moguls and BROKE HIS BOARD and hurt his knee pretty badly. =( not a happy camper. so... for him, that was it. no boarding the next day...

fresh NEW SNOW that nite. =) it was so much fun playing in fresh powder. the next morning after some debate between sugarbowl and squaw valley, we decided on the ex-Olympic resort. 7 inches of FRESH POWDER. and SQUAW VALLEY was huge... puts mammoth mountain to shame. needless to say, i was quite happy that we went there. the runs are sooooooooooooooooo long. all of our legs were aching pretty badly down one run. call us crazy but yes. even though we went only half day starting at 1pm, we stayed til about 6, so i would definitely say we got our money's worth. =)

we cleaned the cabin and stayed that night... the next morning we left for home, but not before we dropped by reno to visit one of jason's friends, who kindly treated us to some sooper all-you-can-eat sushi. =) =) =) thennnn we left for home, quite content and happy. wheee~!

Friday, February 15, 2002

yes, again. aaaahhhhhh!!!!!!! UCLA GRAD SCHOOL APPS DUE TODAY!! so much to do, so little time!!! i must get my essays done in the next hour or so, cuz i have work soon. then a meeting. then i have to leave for tahoe by 1. WHAT AM I THINKING??! ok. i'm going to go write a kick-ass statement of purpose. yes i sure am. damnit, and i'm going to get in.

Wednesday, February 13, 2002

i had one of the best days of my student teaching today! =) my students are soooo awesome and i can never wait to see them the next time. =) gosh, it just reminds me of why i want to be a teacher so badly. just a few short years left.... first i must get into grad school. =P

Tuesday, February 12, 2002

HaPpY LuNaR NeW yEaR! =)
seh-heh-bok mahn-nee bah-duh-seh-yo!
wishing all a prosperous and joyous new year =) wheee~

Sunday, February 10, 2002

UCI APAAC (Asian Pacific American Awareness Conference)
. It was such a dope experience getting to know people and the such. =) the theme was "SAIGU 10 years later.. Where are we today?" Saigu (pronounced sah-ee-goo) literally translates in Korean to "4-2-9" which represents the day that began the Los Angeles Civil Unrest aka LA Riots. the workshops were alright, i think perhaps they could have been more interactive rather than panel style. however, i did learn many new things, especially about the Hmong people. gooo judy! we also got to see Devotion perform, who i guess is pretty big? they're touring to philadelphia next, and they have cd's out too. for dinner i got to perform my usual Korean Drum Dance, with the whole pack of 20-30 ucsd people who totally supported me. =) thanx, guys. esp whoever it was that yelled "take it off!" i believe it was cat. u doink! afterwards, a whole mess of us went back to jason's apt for the afterparty, and i was surprised at the number of people who showed up. i had a really good time playing drinking games and actually drinking, for a change. i got to know the people i met even better and just had some plain ol good fun. after a few hours i passed out and didn't even get to say goodbye to some people. =( but overall, i had a really enlightening, empowering, good weekend!!!

UCI Vietnamese American Coalition's (VAC) High School Conference
, which they call "Shadow Day." It was a really cool experience, really different because there was not much structure to it. had a lot of freedom to do what we wanted with the students, and my group was pretty cool. =) my co-facilitator was john, which was good thing because i don't know anything about their campus. i just threw in my plugs for ucsd whenever i could.. like "ucsd has 3 libraries also." haha.. yeah... i think david tran probably did the same or so. at least we did our part to represent ucsd apsa =)

that night jason, david, and i went to a dinner with other campus members of API orgs to talk about getting a network going. we ate at macaroni grill and it was a pretty good conversation that we got going. i met people from ucla, usc, st. mary's, and uci. and the org we're trying to get going? SNAPI.. student network of asian pacific islanders. snappy, eh? after dinner we all went out for boba and we entertained ourselves quite thoroughly with dancing cell fones and magic fire dust. haha =) i had a lot of fun that nite, and i know david did too. =)

Sunday, February 03, 2002

ooga booga.

Saturday, February 02, 2002

MecHa's High School Conference!
interesting experience, i must say. the turn-out was amazing, and the enthusiasm was definitely there. =) some of the things i really like about their conference was that they give their attendees t-shirts. note: good idea. also, they got el pollo loco to donate FREE FOOD to them. enough to feed at least 500 people. HELLO?? wow. the main thing that kinda irked me was that david tran and i were there to HELP clean up, not clean up on our own. well, the two of us got our stuff done, but no one knew what was going on. so we did what we could, then i went home with a whole tray of chicken and another tray of spanish rice. needless to say i have enough food to feed my roommates and myself for quite some time.

alright, now it's time to go off to my good friend's 22nd b-day bash. =) yes, i think i shall drink. for his sake, of course. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TEI! *hugs*

oh. and my pet died. so i found a trail of ants, as aldrin suggested, and left it there for them to take. hey, it's nature's food chain ok.

Friday, February 01, 2002

u CT ri ton 02: what happened to the fly
doRkYjaNeT: i'm still torturing it
u CT ri ton 02: suffocate it
u CT ri ton 02: or freeze it,
doRkYjaNeT: wow freezing it! i never thought about that!
u CT ri ton 02: and later on heat it back up with a magnifying glass
u CT ri ton 02: practice Cryogenics
doRkYjaNeT: i already made it lose portions of its legs
doRkYjaNeT: do u think it would work?
doRkYjaNeT: i think it would die freezing
doRkYjaNeT: don't u think?
u CT ri ton 02: hmmm
u CT ri ton 02: only one way to find out
doRkYjaNeT: poor thing is dying already i think
doRkYjaNeT: i'm sure it's in a lot of pain
u CT ri ton 02: now is not the time to show sympathy
u CT ri ton 02: take revenge out on it for all the 400 billion flies who have contributed to disease all over the world
u CT ri ton 02: make an example of it
u CT ri ton 02: "dont fuck with Humans"
doRkYjaNeT: but.. it looks so ... sad

yes, i am a deeply troubled child.

CT ri ton 02: maybe you can raise this fly as a pet,
u CT ri ton 02: and rehabilitate it
u CT ri ton 02: make it into like a nice fly
u CT ri ton 02: one that sits on your shoulder while you sit in lecture
doRkYjaNeT: a nice fly? train it? make it do that praying motion to get food?
u CT ri ton 02: did you know when flies land, they vomit 7000 times?
u CT ri ton 02: i got that from this book of useless facts @ a bookstore i went to
doRkYjaNeT: that's beautiful. u just gave me newfound motivation to kill my pet
doRkYjaNeT: i'm tempted to torture this sucker a lil more
u CT ri ton 02: how many legs are left?
doRkYjaNeT: i'm so disgusted