i am janet. hear me roar.

hallo? anyone hear me? welcome to the thoughts of dorkyjanet. u'll realize how un-dorky she really is =)

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

oh yes. in wanting my students to understand why we had last monday off, we did a brief study (1 week) on MLK, jr. and wrote letters to him. one of my students wrote one of the most moving things at the end of her letter: "I hope you are safe and free at last. Love, Jocelyne". O_O coming from a first grader!! my kids kick ass. =) and a lot of them remembered little details, like that he walked for 381 days to boycott the buses, that his house got bombed, the name of his killer... oh which reminds me! when we were playing jeopardy last week, African-Americans for 500 points was to name 3 things about Ruby Bridges. so the answering team goes: "She was 6 years old.... She was African-American (had to accept it).... and.... she wore a white dress." hahhaa.. i had to laugh. i told them it was true, a nice try and all, but to give me a more substantial answer. they changed it to the main reason for why she is most well known for today. =) crazy kids.


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