i am janet. hear me roar.

hallo? anyone hear me? welcome to the thoughts of dorkyjanet. u'll realize how un-dorky she really is =)

Thursday, September 08, 2005

i completely forgot about my blog for about a month now. aug. 10 was my last entry...and quite a bit has happened since then. let's see... returned from mexico 7 days afterwards. it was so sweet cuz benji flew in from singapore that same day, just about an hour difference in arrival time, so we met up at the airport. awwww... =)

the day after i got back i had to go to a Title I conference at the convention center, all day. the day after i had to leave for the UTLA (teacher's union) conference in palm springs for 3 days. wow it was hot out there. someone said that their soda that they had left in their car exploded. after that i got to work in my classroom for 2 days, then had to attend another teacher conference for the remainder of that week. had the weekend off, finally, then when the week started up i had professional development that next week. that weekend i was working my butt off to get ready for the first day of school. although on labor day i woke up hella early and spoke for the labor day rally. i represented the teachers, got up on stage, met mayor antonio villaraigosa and the president of CTA (CA teachers assoc.) and did my 2 min. speech. people came up to afterwards and thanked me. it turned out fine, despite my nervousness with the news channel crews all around.

and now, it's the first week of school with day 2 already down. it's so different having third graders this year, although not so different because i did get my students back from my first year. in many ways they have grown and changed since then, but it other ways they're still the same people from when i had them in first grade. i'm looking forward to what their maturity and independence will bring! so far the days have been great. the only thing is i'm sleeping too late and getting up later than i would like to (getting to school after 7am feels late, which i've been doing so far). anyhoo... let us see what this year of third graders will bring...


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