i am janet. hear me roar.

hallo? anyone hear me? welcome to the thoughts of dorkyjanet. u'll realize how un-dorky she really is =)

Friday, November 25, 2005

wow, i really am averaging one post a month. anyway, thank u to everyone who voted NO on the propositions this month. =) teachers can rest easy now, although the attacks have yet to cease, not with the fartheads we have in office.

anyway, ucsd apsa high school conference went well! very smooth, i must say. i brought down my younger cousin who's in 11th grade for the day. also presented two workshops and performed my korean drums yet again. the last time i had been in SD was last year's conference. i'm long overdue for a regular visit to friends. i should plan one.

my best friend's wedding plans are well underway. still hard to grasp the concept, but it's gonna happen. in the meantime, i have a coworker's wedding to attend next month. i hope too many more aren't expected. i really feel like i'm an old person now. a few months ago i attended my first baby shower. now that's interesting. they play some really interesting games, namely the one called "dirty diapers" which involved chocolate and diapers... chocolate IN diapers. anyway, it was fun! i won the "guess the circumference of the expecting mother's belly" game. my strategy was putting my book bag in my lap and wrapping the ribbon around it and my stomach. it was fun shopping for baby stuff, but i don't think i'll be ready for that anytime soon.

afterall, i have 21 kids of my own! my class is crazy, but i love 'em. the majority of the class is comprised of students i had my first year (first grade). some moved, so i don't have them. but i only have about 6 new kids. they're rowdy but great, and so smart!! but i fear i might go insane this year if i keep up all the things i'm doing. i'm doing too much, both for the school and for outside orgs. i need to cut down on some ish. i need to take care of me. i need to buy a bed. but they're hella expensive. i hate mattress shopping. the salespeople are like car salespeople. but sleeping on the floor these months have been hurting my shoulders and my chest, namely from the stones i sleep on. flattened, smooth stones arranged in a grid-like pattern on a heating mat, if u'r curious about why i sleep on stones.

happy thankstaking day! remember, it's Buy Nothing Day, so please don't buy anything the day after thanksgiving. (u ask why? look it up. for political reasons)


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